Email Address

Phone Number

(574) 214-7125

Our Location

Elkhart, IN 46514

More Ways To Help

Elkhart Feral Cats

More Ways To Help



Leave a lasting legacy to help the cats. Consider naming Elkhart County Feral Cat Coalition as a beneficiary in your will. A bequest can be made for a certain dollar amount or for a specific type of donation, such as stock or real estate. You may structure your bequest to begin after all debts, taxes and expenses have been paid or to be contingent upon certain conditions. Your estate may be entitled to an estate tax deduction for the full value of a charitable bequest.

You can create a powerful and lasting legacy by including ECFCC in your long-term financial planning. Because there are many options and tax advantages depending upon each person’s financial goals, we recommend discussing the options of including Elkhart County Feral Cat Coalition in your legacy planning with your financial planner and/or estate planning attorney to find a plan that works best for you.

Workplace Awareness

Does your place of business have a newsletter, employee bulletin board, cafeteria or lobby? If so, these are great opportunities to fundraise and educate your fellow employees about Elkhart County Feral Cat Coalition.

Post our brochures, add a paragraph about our services in your newsletter, hold a bake sale or other fundraiser benefit or consider having a member of ECFCC as a guest speaker during a brown bag luncheon or department meeting.

No one knows your company’s corporate culture better than you! Help the cats through education and awareness at your place of work.

Corporate Sponsorships

Each year Elkhart County Feral Cat Coalition hosts several fundraising events. These events are an opportunity to increase your company’s visibility/marketing and enhance your community involvement. There are multiple levels of corporate sponsorship available and we can work with you to find a sponsorship that meets your marketing objective.

Wish List

Please review our ongoing Wish List below to contribute any items that you can – large or small…

  • Live and Silent Auction items
  • Adhesive labels equivalent to Avery #8167
  • Shredder
  • Bleach
  • Heating pads
  • Clear adhesive tape
  • Copier paper
  • Distilled water
  • Garbage bags – large and small for different sized cans
  • Gift Cards to home improvement stores
  • Gift Cards for office supply stores
  • Ink cartridges (contact us for exact types)
  • Laundry detergent – liquid, no fragrance, no fabric softener
  • Masking tape – to label traps/ carriers
  • Mr. Clean
  • Newspapers
  • Paper Towels – rolls
  • Postage Stamps
  • Printing Services for our newsletter, brochures and medical records
  • Towels


ECFCC cares about the over-all physical needs of the animals we serve. As important as spaying and neutering is, we reach beyond that to encompass all of their basic needs in order to ensure a good quality of life.

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